CRS Italy Workshop 2023
5-7 Palermo, Italy
Introduction and theme
The theme of the 2023 CRS Italia Workshop is about the design and the clinical application of the “Next generation biomaterials and carriers”. Clinical and pharmaceutical scientists, biomedical engineers, material scientists, biophysicists will discuss novel therapies, use of new materials and delivery systems for difficult-to-treat diseases (cancer, inflammation, neuro degeneration, tissue fibrosis). The workshop will be articulated over 5 sessions, with 11 invited talks and several selected speakers among the CRS Italy community, poster sessions, and one full Saturday morning Young CRS Italy Scientist session. Multiple break sessions will facilitate interactions, face-to-face discussions, and help launching new interdisciplinary collaborations. The Organizing and Scientific committees look forward to welcome you all in Palermo for a vibrant meeting with a strong audience participation.

Orto Botanico, Via Lincoln, 2, 90133 Palermo PA
The Orto Botanico di Palermo (Palermo Botanical Garden) is both a botanical garden and a research and educational institution of the Department of Botany of the University of Palermo. The garden lies within the city of Palermo, Italy at 10 m (33 ft) above sea-level. It covers about 0.12 km2 (30 acres) on top of red soil that has evolved on a limestone tuff substratum.
Call for Abstracts
The CRS Italy Local Chapter is soliciting abstracts in the broad fields of drug delivery, nanomedicine, and pharmaceutical technologies. Abstracts have to be written using the template provided below and saved as "Last name_first name of the presenting author"
Selected abstracts will be offered a podium presentation during the regular sessions of the workshop. All abstracts will be presented during the Poster Sessions.
The Call for Abstract has been extended to June 25, 2023. Participants should send their abstract by e-mail to
Call for abstract
Scientific Committee
Stefano Salmaso
Pasquale Del Gaudio
Fabio Salvatore Palumbo
Rossella Dorati
Silvia Franzè
Silvia Pescina
Francesco Puoci
Michele Schlich
Barbara Stella
Local Organizing Committee
Fabio Salvatore Palumbo
Gennara Cavallaro
Giovanna Pitarresi
Mariano Licciardi
Emanuela Fabiola Craparo
Calogero Fiorica
Nicolò Mauro
Cinzia Scialabba
Plenary Speakers
Virginia Arechavala GomezaBiocruces Bizkaia Health Research Institute (Spain)
Kevin BraeckmansGhent University (Belgium)
Massimo ConeseUniversity of Foggia (Italy)
Elena Del FaveroUniversity of Milan (Italy)
Giovanna LolloUniversity Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France)
Michael MalkochKTH Royal Institute of Technology of Stochkolm (Sweden)
Ben MaozTel Aviv University (Israel)
Julien NicolasUniversity Paris-Saclay, Orsay (France)
Maurizio PesceIRCCS Centro Cardiologico Monzino, Milan (Italy)
Nicola TirelliIIT Genoa (Italy)
Committee and Speakers
A limited number of rooms are available at special rates from the following hotels
Hotel NH Palermo
+39 091 6165090
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Until August 21, 2023

Hotel Villa Archirafi
+39 091 61 68 827
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